<Kanban list>.DeleteCard (Function) In french: <Liste de kanban>.SupprimeCarte Deletes a card from a Kanban control or from a Kanban List control. PROCÉDURE DeleteCardWithToast(Card is kbCard) LIST_To_Do.DeleteCard(Card.Priority) ToastDisplay("Task deleted from list A") Syntax
Deleting a card using its index Hide the details
<Kanban List control>.DeleteCard(<Index>)
<Kanban List control>: Control name Name of the Kanban List control to be handled. <Index>: Integer Index of the card to be deleted.
Deleting a card using a kbCard variable Hide the details
<Control used>.DeleteCard(<Card>)
<Control used>: Control name Name of the Kanban List control. <Card>: kbCard variable Name of the kbCard variable that corresponds to the card to be removed. Business / UI classification: UI Code
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